Kalman Filter: The Optimal State Estimator

What is the Kalman Filter?

The Kalman filter is a recursive mathematical algorithm that provides optimal estimates of the state of a linear dynamic system from a series of noisy measurements. Developed by Rudolf E. Kálmán in 1960, it has become one of the most important and widely-used estimation algorithms in technology and science.

At its core, the Kalman filter addresses a fundamental problem: how to estimate the state of a system when we have:

  • Imperfect or noisy measurements of the system
  • Uncertainty in how the system evolves over time
  • Prior knowledge about the system's behavior

The key insight of the Kalman filter is that by combining predictions from a system model with actual measurements, we can achieve a more accurate estimate than either source alone could provide. The algorithm works recursively, meaning each new estimate builds upon the previous one, making it efficient for real-time applications.

In essence, the Kalman filter is a Bayesian estimator for linear systems with Gaussian noise. It provides the optimal solution to the linear filtering problem for these systems, minimizing the mean square error of the estimated parameters.

Historical Background and Significance

The Kalman filter was developed by Rudolf Emil Kálmán, a Hungarian-American electrical engineer and mathematician, who published his groundbreaking paper "A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems" in 1960.

The Apollo Program Connection

One of the most famous early applications of the Kalman filter was in the Apollo space program. NASA implemented the algorithm in the navigation computers of the Apollo spacecraft, where it was used to estimate the trajectory of the spacecraft during the missions to the Moon. This implementation, led by Stanley Schmidt at the NASA Ames Research Center, helped solve the critical navigation problems that made the Moon landings possible.

From Aerospace to Ubiquitous Technology

Following its success in aerospace applications, the Kalman filter quickly spread to other fields:

  • In the 1960s and 1970s, it found applications in radar tracking, navigation systems, and control theory
  • By the 1980s, it was being applied to weather forecasting, economics, and signal processing
  • Since the 1990s, the Kalman filter has become a standard component in smartphones, autonomous vehicles, robotics, computer vision, and countless other technologies

Today, the Kalman filter is considered one of the most important algorithmic discoveries of the 20th century. Rudolf Kálmán received numerous awards for his invention, including the National Medal of Science, the Kyoto Prize, and the IEEE Medal of Honor. His algorithm continues to be a cornerstone of modern estimation theory and control systems.

Mathematical Framework

Problem Formulation

The Kalman filter addresses the problem of estimating the state xk of a discrete-time controlled process governed by the linear stochastic difference equation:

xk = Fxk-1 + Buk-1 + wk-1

With measurements zk given by:

zk = Hxk + vk


  • xk is the state vector at time k
  • F is the state transition matrix, relating the state at time k-1 to the state at time k
  • uk-1 is the control input vector
  • B is the control input matrix
  • wk-1 is the process noise, assumed to be drawn from a zero-mean multivariate normal distribution with covariance Q
  • zk is the measurement vector
  • H is the observation matrix
  • vk is the measurement noise, assumed to be zero-mean Gaussian white noise with covariance R

Kalman Filter Equations

The Kalman filter algorithm consists of two stages: prediction and update.

Prediction Step (Time Update):

k|k-1 = Fx̂k-1|k-1 + Buk-1

Pk|k-1 = FPk-1|k-1FT + Q

Update Step (Measurement Update):

Kk = Pk|k-1HT(HPk|k-1HT + R)-1

k|k = x̂k|k-1 + Kk(zk - Hx̂k|k-1)

Pk|k = (I - KkH)Pk|k-1


  • k|k-1 is the a priori state estimate at step k
  • k|k is the a posteriori state estimate at step k
  • Pk|k-1 is the a priori error covariance matrix
  • Pk|k is the a posteriori error covariance matrix
  • Kk is the Kalman gain
  • (zk - Hx̂k|k-1) is often called the measurement innovation or residual

Optimality and Properties

The Kalman filter possesses several important optimality properties:

  • Minimum variance estimator: Among all possible estimators, the Kalman filter minimizes the mean square error of the estimated parameters
  • Maximum likelihood estimator: Under Gaussian noise assumptions, it maximizes the likelihood of the observed measurements
  • Recursive Bayesian estimator: It implements Bayes' rule recursively, updating prior beliefs with new evidence
  • Computationally efficient: Its recursive formulation means it only needs the previous estimate and the current measurement, not the entire history

Algorithm Implementation Steps

Implementing a Kalman filter involves the following steps:

1. System Modeling

First, model your system by defining:

  • State vector (x): Variables that describe the system's state (e.g., position, velocity)
  • State transition matrix (F): How the state evolves from one time step to the next
  • Control input matrix (B) and vector (u): How known inputs affect the state
  • Observation matrix (H): How measurements relate to the state
  • Noise covariance matrices (Q and R): Statistical properties of the process and measurement noise

2. Initialization

Initialize the filter with:

  • Initial state estimate (x̂0|0): Your best guess of the initial state
  • Initial error covariance matrix (P0|0): Your uncertainty in that initial guess

The initialization can significantly impact the filter's early performance. If you have little prior knowledge, a common approach is to set the initial covariance matrix to have large values, indicating high uncertainty.

3. Prediction Step

For each time step k, predict the current state and error covariance:

k|k-1 = Fx̂k-1|k-1 + Buk-1

Pk|k-1 = FPk-1|k-1FT + Q

4. Update Step

When a measurement zk becomes available, update the estimate:

Kk = Pk|k-1HT(HPk|k-1HT + R)-1

k|k = x̂k|k-1 + Kk(zk - Hx̂k|k-1)

Pk|k = (I - KkH)Pk|k-1

The term (zk - Hx̂k|k-1) represents the innovation the difference between the actual measurement and what we expected to measure based on our prediction.

5. Recursion

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each time step, using the updated state and covariance from step 4 as the starting point for the next prediction in step 3. This recursive process is at the heart of the Kalman filter algorithm.

The beauty of the Kalman filter lies in its recursion: it maintains just enough information about the past measurements in the current state estimate and error covariance to optimally incorporate each new measurement.

Applications and Use Cases

Navigation and Tracking

  • GPS systems: Combining satellite signals with motion models to provide accurate position estimates
  • Inertial navigation systems: Fusing data from accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers
  • Automotive navigation: Estimating vehicle position when GPS signals are temporarily unavailable
  • Aircraft and spacecraft guidance: Tracking position, velocity, and orientation in flight

Robotics and Computer Vision

  • SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping): Helping robots build maps of environments while tracking their own position
  • Sensor fusion: Combining data from multiple sensors like cameras, lidars, and radar
  • Object tracking: Following moving objects in video streams
  • Pose estimation: Determining the orientation and position of objects in space

Signal Processing

  • Noise reduction: Filtering out noise from sensor readings or signals
  • Audio processing: Enhancing speech signals in noisy environments
  • Image stabilization: Removing camera shake from video footage
  • Radar and sonar systems: Tracking targets and filtering returns

Economics and Finance

  • Time series forecasting: Predicting future values of economic indicators
  • Portfolio optimization: Estimating expected returns and risks
  • Algorithmic trading: Filtering market noise to identify trends

Other Applications

  • Weather forecasting: Combining model predictions with weather station measurements
  • Medical monitoring: Filtering physiological signals like ECG or EEG
  • Process control: Estimating and controlling industrial processes
  • Augmented reality: Tracking user position and orientation for AR applications

Extensions and Variations

Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)

The standard Kalman filter is limited to linear systems. The Extended Kalman Filter addresses this limitation by linearizing nonlinear functions around the current estimate using Taylor series expansion.

For a nonlinear system:

xk = f(xk-1, uk-1) + wk-1

zk = h(xk) + vk

The EKF linearizes around the current estimate using Jacobian matrices:

Fk = ∂f/∂x evaluated at x̂k-1|k-1

Hk = ∂h/∂x evaluated at x̂k|k-1

While widely used, the EKF has limitations: it can diverge if the nonlinearities are severe or if the initial estimate is poor.

Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)

The UKF addresses the linearization errors of the EKF using the unscented transformation. Instead of linearizing, it deterministically samples points (sigma points) around the mean, transforms these points through the nonlinear functions, and then reconstructs the mean and covariance.

The UKF generally provides better accuracy than the EKF for highly nonlinear systems and doesn't require the computation of Jacobian matrices.

Particle Filter

For highly nonlinear systems or non-Gaussian noise, particle filters offer a more flexible alternative. They represent the posterior distribution with a set of weighted samples (particles) that are propagated through the nonlinear system model.

While more computationally intensive than Kalman filters, particle filters can handle arbitrary distributions and nonlinearities.

Other Variations

  • Schmidt-Kalman Filter: Handles situations with systematic biases in the measurements
  • Information Filter: A variant that propagates the information matrix (inverse of the covariance matrix) instead of the covariance
  • Ensemble Kalman Filter: Uses a Monte Carlo ensemble of system states to estimate the error statistics
  • Robust Kalman Filter: Designed to handle outliers and non-Gaussian noise by using robust statistics

Computational Details and Mathematical Analysis

To fully understand the Kalman filter, let's examine the detailed computational aspects and mathematical insights behind each step of the algorithm.

Prediction Step Analysis

During the prediction step, the Kalman filter projects the state forward in time:

k|k-1 = Fx̂k-1|k-1 + Buk-1

Pk|k-1 = FPk-1|k-1FT + Q

Let's break down the computational meaning of these equations:

State Propagation: The term Fx̂k-1|k-1 represents how the system would evolve without any new inputs or noise. For example, in a position-velocity tracking system with F = [[1, Δt], [0, 1]]:

[positionk|k-1] = [1, Δt] × [positionk-1|k-1]
[velocityk|k-1] = [0, 1]   [velocityk-1|k-1]

Expanding this matrix multiplication:

positionk|k-1 = positionk-1|k-1 + Δt × velocityk-1|k-1

velocityk|k-1 = velocityk-1|k-1

This shows how the position is predicted based on previous position plus the velocity times the time step, while velocity is assumed to remain constant (constant velocity model).

Control Input: Buk-1 incorporates known external influences. For instance, in a system with known acceleration ak-1 and B = [[Δt²/2], [Δt]], the control input adds:

position adjustment = (Δt²/2) × acceleration

velocity adjustment = Δt × acceleration

Error Covariance Propagation: The error covariance matrix Pk|k-1 = FPk-1|k-1FT + Q represents how our uncertainty grows during the prediction step. The term FPk-1|k-1FT propagates the previous uncertainty through the system dynamics, while Q adds the new uncertainty from process noise.

For our position-velocity tracking example, if Q = [[qp, 0], [0, qv]] (where qp and qvare the process noise variances for position and velocity), the uncertainty propagation is:

Pk|k-1 = [1, Δt] × [σ²p, σpv] × [1, 0] + [qp, 0]

            [0, 1]   [σpv, σ²v]   [Δt, 1]   [0, qv]

Where σ²p, σ²v, and σpv are the position variance, velocity variance, and position-velocity covariance from Pk-1|k-1. The complete expansion yields:

σ²p,k|k-1 = σ²p,k-1|k-1 + 2Δt×σpv,k-1|k-1 + Δt²×σ²v,k-1|k-1 + qp

σpv,k|k-1 = σpv,k-1|k-1 + Δt×σ²v,k-1|k-1

σ²v,k|k-1 = σ²v,k-1|k-1 + qv

Notice how uncertainty in position grows with time step Δt and velocity uncertainty, which matches our intuition: if we're uncertain about velocity, our position uncertainty increases more rapidly over time.

Update Step Analysis

The update step incorporates new measurements to refine our estimate:

Kk = Pk|k-1HT(HPk|k-1HT + R)-1

k|k = x̂k|k-1 + Kk(zk - Hx̂k|k-1)

Pk|k = (I - KkH)Pk|k-1

Innovation Term: (zk - Hx̂k|k-1) represents the difference between what we actually measure and what we expected to measure. This "innovation" or "residual" is a crucial element driving the filter's updates.

For our position-velocity example, if we only measure position with H = [1, 0]:

Innovation = measured_position - predicted_position

Innovation Covariance: The term S = HPk|k-1HT + R represents the expected variance of the innovation. It combines the uncertainty in our prediction (projected into measurement space via H) with the measurement noise R.

Kalman Gain Computation: Kk = Pk|k-1HTS-1 determines how much to adjust our estimate based on the new measurement. It balances the relative uncertainties of our prediction and the measurement.

Let's compute this for our simple position measurement example with H = [1, 0] and R = [r] (scalar position measurement noise variance):

S = [1, 0] × [σ²p,k|k-1, σpv,k|k-1] × [1] + [r] = σ²p,k|k-1 + r

                 [σpv,k|k-1, σ²v,k|k-1]   [0]

Kk = [σ²p,k|k-1, σpv,k|k-1] × [1] × 1/(σ²p,k|k-1 + r)

      [σpv,k|k-1, σ²v,k|k-1]   [0]

Kk = [σ²p,k|k-1/(σ²p,k|k-1 + r)]

      [σpv,k|k-1/(σ²p,k|k-1 + r)]

The first element of Kk is the Kalman gain for position. It ranges from 0 to 1 and depends on the ratio of prediction uncertainty to total uncertainty. If σ²p,k|k-1 is much greater than r, it approaches 1 (trust the measurement), and if σ²p,k|k-1 is much less than r, it approaches 0 (trust the prediction).

Interestingly, the second element shows that even though we only measure position, we also update our velocity estimate based on the position measurement, scaled by the position-velocity covariance. This is a key strength of the Kalman filter.

State Update: The state update equation x̂k|k = x̂k|k-1 + Kk(zk - Hx̂k|k-1) adjusts our prediction by adding a fraction (determined by the Kalman gain) of the innovation.

For our example, this expands to:

positionk|k = positionk|k-1 + Kk,1 × (measured_position - positionk|k-1)

velocityk|k = velocityk|k-1 + Kk,2 × (measured_position - positionk|k-1)

Covariance Update: The covariance update Pk|k = (I - KkH)Pk|k-1 reduces our uncertainty based on the new information from the measurement. It always results in a decrease in uncertainty.

For our example:

Pk|k = ([1, 0] - [Kk,1] × [1, 0]) × [σ²p,k|k-1, σpv,k|k-1]

            ([0, 1] - [Kk,2]        )   [σpv,k|k-1, σ²v,k|k-1]

Which can be expanded to:

σ²p,k|k = (1 - Kk,1)σ²p,k|k-1

σpv,k|k = (1 - Kk,1pv,k|k-1

σ²v,k|k = σ²v,k|k-1 - Kk,2σpv,k|k-1

Notice that both position and velocity uncertainties decrease after incorporating the position measurement, with the amount of decrease proportional to the Kalman gain and the cross-correlation between position and velocity.

Steady-State Behavior

For time-invariant systems (constant F, H, Q, R), the Kalman filter eventually converges to a steady state where:

  • The error covariance matrix Pk|k approaches a constant matrix P
  • The Kalman gain Kk approaches a constant matrix K

For our position-velocity tracking example, the steady-state Kalman gain can be found by solving the discrete-time Riccati equation:

P = F(P - PHT(HPHT + R)-1HP)FT + Q

For the special case of our position-velocity model with position-only measurements, the steady-state gains can be derived analytically:

K∞,1 = (-b + √(b² + 1))/2, where b = √(r/q)

K∞,2 = (K∞,1)²/Δt

Where r is the measurement noise variance and q is derived from the process noise. This shows how the steady-state behavior depends on the ratio of measurement to process noise, rather than their absolute values.

In practice, for systems where F, H, Q, and R are constant, computing this steady-state gain in advance can significantly reduce computational requirements during operation, as the filter can simply use the pre-computed constant gain without having to update the error covariance and Kalman gain at each step.

Numerical Stability Considerations

In practical implementations, numerical stability is a crucial concern. Several techniques can improve stability:

  • Square root filtering: Instead of propagating P directly, propagate its square root (Cholesky factor) to improve numerical conditioning
  • Joseph form covariance update: Use the numerically more stable form Pk|k = (I - KkH)Pk|k-1(I - KkH)T + KkRKkT
  • Symmetric enforcement: After each update, force P to remain symmetric by computing P = (P + PT)/2
  • Sequential processing: When there are multiple independent measurements, process them sequentially to avoid matrix inversions of large matrices

For example, in our position-velocity tracking, if we have both position and velocity measurements, we could process them sequentially (treating them as two separate scalar measurements) instead of as a vector measurement, which would require inverting only scalars rather than 2×2 matrices.

Last Updated: March 12, 2025

Keywords: kalman filter, state estimation, linear dynamic systems, covariance matrices, prediction algorithm, recursive bayesian estimation, optimal estimator, sensor fusion, filtering algorithm, state-space model, time series prediction, control theory, tracking algorithm, signal processing, extended kalman filter, unscented kalman filter, noise filtering, measurement update, stochastic systems