Pregnancy Calculator

Calculate your due date, current pregnancy week, and important pregnancy milestones based on your last menstrual period (LMP) or conception date.

Pregnancy Timeline

First Trimester (Weeks 1-13): Early development and organ formation

Second Trimester (Weeks 14-26): Rapid growth and movement

Third Trimester (Weeks 27-40): Final development and preparation for birth

Key Milestones

  • Week 8: All major organs have begun to form
  • Week 12: Risk of miscarriage decreases significantly
  • Week 20: Typically when you might feel first movements
  • Week 24: Baby's hearing has developed
  • Week 37: Pregnancy is considered full term

Important Notes

Only 5% of babies are born on their exact due date

Normal delivery range is between 37 and 42 weeks

Consult your healthcare provider for personalized care


Temporal Mathematics of Gestation

The calculation of gestational age and due dates relies on precise mathematical models based on biological timing patterns. The standard calculation method, known as Naegele's rule, incorporates cyclical patterns of human reproduction and embryonic development. This mathematical framework provides a systematic approach to tracking fetal development and predicting delivery timing.

The mathematical basis for pregnancy dating stems from the observation of consistent developmental patterns across human populations. These patterns follow predictable temporal sequences that can be expressed through mathematical formulas and statistical distributions, enabling accurate estimation of gestational milestones.

Calculation Methods and Formulas

The fundamental equations for pregnancy dating include:

Due Date = LMP + 280 days

Gestational Age = Current Date - LMP

Conception Date ≈ LMP + 14 days


  • LMP = Last Menstrual Period
  • 280 days = Average gestation length
  • 14 days = Average follicular phase

Statistical Distribution of Gestation

The duration of human pregnancy follows a statistical distribution that can be modeled mathematically. The probability density function of gestational length approximates a normal distribution with specific parameters:

μ = 280 days (40 weeks)

σ ≈ 11 days

95% CI = μ ± 1.96σ

Term Range = [259, 294] days

This statistical framework enables the calculation of probability ranges for spontaneous delivery at different gestational ages, providing a scientific basis for clinical decision-making.

Developmental Timing Mechanisms

The precise timing of embryonic and fetal development follows mathematical patterns that reflect underlying biological rhythms. These developmental sequences can be expressed through mathematical functions that describe the timing of critical events:

• Organogenesis completion ≈ Day 56 (8 weeks)

• Neural tube formation = Days 21-28

• Cardiac activity initiation = Days 22-23

• Fetal movement detection = Weeks 16-20

These temporal patterns demonstrate remarkable consistency across populations, enabling accurate prediction of developmental milestones.

Computational Methods

Modern pregnancy calculations incorporate sophisticated algorithms that account for various biological and temporal factors. These computational methods often include:

• Adjustment factors for cycle irregularity

• Statistical corrections for population variations

• Confidence interval calculations

• Ultrasound-based dating correlations

The integration of these computational approaches with traditional calculation methods enhances the accuracy of gestational age estimation and due date prediction.