Regression Calculator

Analyze relationships between variables using linear regression. Calculate correlation coefficients, predict values, and understand data trends.

Understanding Regression Analysis

Linear Regression: Finding best-fit line through data points

Correlation: Strength and direction of relationship

R-squared: Measure of how well the model fits the data

Statistical Measures

Slope: Rate of change between variables

Intercept: Value where line crosses y-axis

Standard Error: Accuracy of predictions

Confidence Intervals: Reliability of estimates

Enter numbers separated by commas or spaces

Enter numbers separated by commas or spaces

Theoretical Foundation

Linear regression analysis represents a cornerstone of statistical modeling, founded on the principle of minimizing the sum of squared residuals between observed values and predicted outcomes. This method, developed through the work of Gauss and Legendre, provides a mathematical framework for understanding relationships between variables. The underlying theory combines elements of linear algebra, calculus, and probability theory to create a robust analytical tool.

The method of least squares, which forms the mathematical basis of regression analysis, emerges from optimization theory. By minimizing the sum of squared deviations, the method produces unbiased estimators of the regression parameters under appropriate assumptions. This optimization problem leads to the normal equations, whose solution provides the best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE) of the regression coefficients.

Mathematical Framework

The linear regression model is expressed through precise mathematical equations:

y = βₒ + β₁x + ε

Parameter Estimators:

β₁ = Σ((x - x̄)(y - ȳ)) / Σ(x - x̄)²

βₒ = ȳ - β₁x̄


  • βₒ = Intercept parameter
  • β₁ = Slope parameter
  • ε = Random error term
  • x̄, ȳ = Sample means

Statistical Properties

The statistical properties of regression estimators derive from fundamental assumptions about the error structure:

Gauss-Markov Assumptions:

  • • Linearity in parameters
  • • Random sampling
  • • Zero conditional mean of errors
  • • Homoscedasticity
  • • No perfect multicollinearity

Under these conditions, the least squares estimators possess optimal properties in terms of variance and unbiasedness among all linear estimators.

Model Assessment

The coefficient of determination (R²) quantifies the model's explanatory power:

R² = 1 - (SSR/SST)


SSR = Σ(y - ŷ)² (Residual Sum of Squares)

SST = Σ(y - ȳ)² (Total Sum of Squares)

ŷ = Predicted values

This measure, ranging from 0 to 1, indicates the proportion of variance in the dependent variable explained by the regression model.

Inference and Prediction

Statistical inference in regression analysis involves hypothesis testing and interval estimation. The standard error of regression coefficients provides the basis for confidence intervals and significance tests:

SE(β₁) = σ/√(Σ(x - x̄)²)

CI: β₁ ± t(α/2,n-2) × SE(β₁)


σ = √(SSR/(n-2))

t = Student's t-distribution value

These inferential tools enable assessment of parameter significance and construction of prediction intervals for future observations.